He is Mine!

"The Lord is MY Shepherd..." Psalm 23:1

What a faithful and familiar scripture. It is recited at most funerals and read in church services many times a year. Many children memorize this scripture at a young age and carry it with them into adulthood.  But do we really understand the depth and power of these five words? 

As I spent time in prayer and meditation this morning, I lingered over this verse and just let it penetrate my heart. The temptation was to keep going, keep reading or even just recite the rest of the Psalm. 

But I stopped.

The Lord is MY Shepherd...

Looking around...who me?  The one with all the flaws, who keeps stumbling and stopping, who sometimes says stupid things and allows ugly feelings to creep into my heart? 

And the Lord whispers: "Yes...you."

Despite setbacks, failures, mistakes, He is still mine (and yours too!)  He knows where and how to lead me. He watches over me with the closest eyes.  He carries me when I'm weak.  He whispers in my ear and gives me rest when I need it.  He is My Shepherd.

I love that we serve a God that is so personal and loving.  He can touch the core of our being. He knows us so intimately.  Better than we know ourselves. It reminds me of the song Killing Me Softly by Roberta Flack.  There is a part of the song that says:  "...telling my whole life with His words." Yes.  He knows my whole life, the falls and flaws, yet He watches over me so closely and faithfully.

That is My Shepherd, seeing right through me, loving me and protecting me!  What a loving Shepherd.