Strength in His Power

"Finally, be strong in the LORD and in his mighty power."  Ephesians 6:10

We can lean and depend on many things in this world.  Often we look to our spouse, friends, money, possessions or our jobs for security or for help.  Many times we simply look to ourselves, trusting in our self-sufficiency.  Although the world and magazines tell us to trust in ourselves, what a dangerous place to be for a Christian.  When we trust in ourselves, we put our faith in self and take God out of the picture.  And think of the burden of carrying the load by yourself!   But Praise God, we can take that responsibility off ourselves and whomever else we've given it to - and lay it at the feet of Jesus.  He alone is able to handle any and everything that comes our way.  We can simply rest in His mighty power.  Take the burden off yourself and walk in God's strength  today.