Look at the Little Things: Lessons and Blessings

So are you still between breaths? Are you still feeling like your life is on pause? Waiting for the next big thing, blessing, miracle, excitement? Waiting for the hurt to end? Waiting for direction? It can be a difficult place, somewhat uncomfortable and frustrating. But friends – don’t get stuck in that feeling. God always has lessons and blessings along the way. Breath of God Magazine just finished doing a study on the book of Jonah (check us out on blogtalk radio). I LOVE the ending of Jonah when despite Jonah’s running, temper tantrums and anger, God blesses him with a plant to give him shade DURING his tantrum. Wow God! You are so intimate with us! You love us so much. If we would just look for you between our breaths. And so it is in our life….

The next survival tip for is to take delight in the lessons and the blessings. Stop looking for the big stuff. We are so eager to run to prayer lines, conferences and see “so-so” come in town for our big word from God. We pray for the miracle. That big breath we think that will change our course, our life, our happiness, our destiny. No, no, no…

I’m talking about those small lessons and blessings that often slip by us. As we are between breaths, don’t worry about that next big breath that you THINK you can’t live without. It is all an illusion, really… We think it’s the big gulps of air that we need, that keep us alive, that make us happy. But really – its those small, tiny breaths that we barely notice. Just like the “small” lessons and blessings that He sprinkles through our journey. The sunshine hitting our face at just the right moment. A soft breeze on a picture perfect day. The smell that takes us back to a special time in our lives. Listening to rain. The feeling we get when have completed "that" task. The laughter of children. Dinner with friends and family. The nothingness of a quiet afternoon. Clothes folded and put away. Finding a ten dollar bill in old purse. A pair of shoes that make the entire outfit. Just those little things that make us smile and breathe…

Look for the little things between each breath.

1 comment:

  1. As I listen to the rain I'm thankful. What a sweet, sweet, blessed reminder. Thank you.
