Starting, Timing and those Darn Shoes...

It has been quite awhile since I’ve blogged. I’ve thought about it a million times, wondering where to begin, where to pick up, how to start again. And then I thought… “start where you are.”

Starting is rarely easy. We are often consumed with being perfect, saying just the right thing or making the right move. But sometimes, we just need to start right where we are, broken, confused, messed up and all. I think of the many, many (did I emphasize MANY) times I’ve been paralyzed by fear, doubt, insecurity (the list goes on) and I did nothing. But I am reminded that when we don’t know where to start or become paralyzed, God is never surprised nor are His hands ever tied. He knows us (and them) better than we do. He is forever at work.

With that, I can relax a little and...well, trust. There is no need for me to feel so obligated to get it right each time or have it all figured out. I don’t need to come up with the perfect plan. I just need to start. Put one foot in front of the other. He is in control, not me.

I think of my dear, sweet, cutie pie… my youngest son. He has so many new starts in his life lately. He recently started kindergarten, at which his lovely teacher told us that he is not fond of following or waiting for instructions. I sigh and inwardly laugh thinking of all the trouble he will have inheriting my “gene.” I very rarely read instructions and boy has that gotten me into a few tight spots. And now, his most recent start… learning to tie his shoes. He has no desire to learn how to tie his shoes. I was beginning to get a bit concerned. But then I thought… I am absolutely certain Trenton will not enter college without knowing how to tie his shoes. Somehow, somewhere along the way – I know he will get it. Would I love for him to experience it now, with the rest of his class? Yes! Would I love to see the excitement in his eyes when he finally does it on his own. Most certainly! But in the meantime, I can rest assured that he will get it. In his own way. In his own time. All I ask from my little pumpkin is to start.

And the same goes for you, dear one.

Wherever you are...just start.

You will get IT.
You will get through THIS.
You will endure THEM.
At just the right time…

Whatever starts, or restarts you are facing right now…trust in God’s Divine timing and plan. Our Redeemer is so faithful, perfect and loving. We so often forget just how loving He is; He is not surprised by where we are or who we are. Just stay steady. (Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58)

We are an imperfect, beautiful mess, in the middle of becoming all God intended us to be. (Philippians 1:6) And God has promised to see us through to the end. Surrender to God’s rhythm and timing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As I sit on the train, reading this post, I can't stop the tears from falling because this post about timing and start is, you guessed it, right on time (for me, anyway). As I listen to God speak to my spirit about starting, the same concepts in your post are applicible to my main issue, continuing after a swift start. Sometimes it seems that I don't have a problem starting, but its executing after the start where the fear creeps in the most. But like you said, God knows our fears, he's not caught by surprise, and his hands are not tied. He is in control. And although I probably start more than half of the things I actually see through to the end, I can rest in your words here, and rest in his spirit knowing that if I keep doing God's will, all things that He desires to come to pass, will do so at the appointed (and perfect) time. Thanks for your ministry!!

  3. Most certainly in sync. Just live HIM!!

  4. OMG Lee! I so needed this! My brother is coming tomorrow as things have gotten crazy at home and I've been praying that things go right. But like you said, he'll get it together in his own time (and with God's love and help, of course). My job is to support and encourage him. *sigh of relief*
