Filling in the Blanks

"Faith is allowing God to fill in the blanks."  Beth Moore

The other day I was reminiscing about those long nights of preparing for exams in graduate school.

Most people experience anxiety when faced with an exam, however, I would be particularly stressed
when I knew the format of the exam was either true or false or choose one answer.  They seem so
Starbucks was my friend when
studying for those exams!
black and white. Limiting.  Unforgiving. Since I'm a writer, I tend to like to think more creatively, therefore I prefer to fill in the blanks or write out my answers.  

Yes, those darn tests.

Then I thought about life.  I thought about God.  And those tests...

So often, we try to fill in the blanks during our life seasons of testing and difficulty.  We create scenarios and try to complete our own stories. We force things that don't fit. We panic, worry and stress over things that have yet to happen in our lives. Trying to write out our own story.

I love that God, our Father, our Savior, our Helper - He fills in our blanks.  He knew the questions before we were even faced with the test.  He even knew how we would respond to the test.  Yet, He doesn't write us off when we write in the wrong answer. His Grace, His Amazing Grace, works with us through the process.  He gently takes the pen from our hand and He continues to finish our story.

Our job is to hand God the pen at the very beginning. When we are faced with struggles, doubt, those tests... those darn tests - let's trust that God already has the answers and prepared to fill in the blank. He knows how your story will end.  Our job is to believe Him. 

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