Survival Tip #1 - Don’t Underestimate the Power of Friendship

As I still struggle to catch my breath, I thought it may be beneficial to share a few survival tips that I’m learning as I pant, gasp and sometimes choke. A recent survival tip that I’ve recently learned is the power of friendship.

With social networking and our busy, busy lives, we often ignore or underestimate time with friends. Posting on walls or tweeting each other has replaced simple time just talking on the phone or chatting over coffee or nachos.

To complicate things, when we are struggling to catch our breath, we tend to think we are alone, or that no one will understand. We seclude ourselves, hide our feelings and avoid others. Alone, we grasp for whatever is within reach, instead of grabbing the hand of a dear friend.

Last night I met a friend at Barnes and Noble to chat about a project and business venture. Soon our discussion turned personal, and we shared the most recent highs and lows about our lives. As words and feelings began to freely flow, without much thought, rhyme or reason, it became an exhale moment.

I left that little table in the bookstore feeling a sense of relief. The problems were still there, I am still not breathing on my own, but for a moment, I felt the friendship of GOD. I felt Him loving on me, laughing with me, encouraging me. My “between breaths” moment didn’t seem so BIG. It felt temporary and that life will go on.

That is what is so special about fellowship and why I believe God asks us to not forsake our assembling together…our issues don’t seem so large when we are with others. We realize that other people have “stuff” too - and that life goes on.

Friendship is an wonderful gift from God. It is sad when people don’t treasure that gift. We see beautiful examples of friendship in scripture, particularly between David and Jonathan and Mary and Elizabeth. It is as if God gave us friends to be his hands, his arms, His legs - here on Earth. His Spirit in the Flesh.

If you are between breaths. If you are not breathing on your own. If you are gasping or suffocating - reach out to a friend and allow them in. Let God guide you to the person and through the conversation. He is faithful, even in friendships.

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